
Over $1,000 in Prizes!


Simply pick your own gift for your dad!

Each of the 6 winners will receive $150 credit towards a gift.

Step 1

Choose one item from each of the categories for a total of 6 items that you or your Dad would love to own!

Kitchen Knives -

Sharpening -

Table and Barware -

Shaving -

Sporting Knives -

Multi-tools -

Step 2

Paste your 6 links in the form below.



1. Simply browse our site and copy and paste the links of 6 items from the specified categories.  e.g. Kitchen Knives, Sharpening, Shaving
2. Randomly chosen winners will receive a $150 credit to be used towards their chosen gift. You may choose item(s) of any value but would simply need to pay the outstanding balance after taxes less the $150 credit.

3. Credits need to be spent in full (single transaction) with no carry over allowed.

4. Limit of one entry per email address.

5. 6 different links, from the specified categories will count as a valid entry. All incomplete entries will be voided.

6. Winners can pickup prizes from House of Knives stores or have shipped free within Canada.
7. The first 100 valid entries will win a True Utility Cash Stash.

*8. The True Utility Cash Stash can be picked up in stores, shipped free with your next order over $99, or shipped to you via Canada Post for $9.99.

9. Total 116 prizes: 6 x $150 Online Credit; 100 x $11.99 True Utility Cash Stash. 

10. Contest ends June 19th 9:00am - Winners to be contacted within 24 hours of contest end date.

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