

AdHoc means made for now. The AdHoc team have been developing, designing and producing according to this principle since the founding of the company in 1995. Inspired by the classic design principle “design follows function” products with a good deal “more” are created for kitchen and dining culture: more solid functionality, more beauty, more quality – more value. Because AdHoc products are thought through down to the smallest detail, fascinate with their straightforward elegance and are simply a pleasure.

Celebrating an auspicious occasion with a good wine is en vogue nowadays and often also indispensable. The designers from AdHoc have dedicated themselves to the development of wine accessories which support connoisseurs of wine, sparkling wine and champagne in the entire process, including opening, cooling as well as decantation. Due to the interaction of taste, function, quality and the modern aesthetic standards which combines all AdHoc designs, enjoyment becomes a total experience.

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