CRKT LCK + Drop Point Grey (3801KN)
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The CRKT LCK Folding Knife, designed by Matthew Lerch in Sussex, Wisconsin, combines innovative features and superior performance in a sleek, compact design. Equipped with a 3.38" 14C28N steel blade, it delivers excellent edge retention, ensuring long-lasting sharpness for everyday tasks. The smooth IKBS ball bearing pivot system, paired with the fast-deploying flipper, allows for quick, effortless blade deployment, while the liner lock makes for easy one-handed closing. Its G10 handle provides an exceptional grip, offering comfort and control in all conditions. Additionally, the low-profile deep carry pocket clip ensures the knife rides discreetly in your pocket, making it the perfect tool for everyday carry. With its blend of functionality and sleek design, the LCK is a reliable and practical choice for anyone seeking a high-performance folding knife.