Kershaw - Emerson CQC-8K (6044TBLK)
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Kershaw and Emerson Knives have collaborated to come up with some exceptionally designed knives.
The CQC-8K is a large-style tactical tanto, more than ready for whatever you task it with. Its blade features a single-bevel and an interesting mix between a drop point and a tanto shape. You’ll also notice the black-oxide coating which not only makes the blade look good, but gives it corrosion resistance and a non-reflective quality. The bottom line is that this blade is unique, ready for action, and razor-sharp. Deploy it through use of the thumb plate, or by the Emerson patented “wave feature” that opens the blade as you pull it from your pocket. You’ll hear the blade securely lock out with the liner lock, and there’s no movement from there until you choose to close your blade.
The handle is made of textured G10 on both sides, with a reversible left/right pocket clip and a lanyard hole if you prefer alternative carry options.