Kershaw Taskmaster Saw (2555)
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If you’ve never owned a folding handsaw before, you should. If you have, you already know how handy these things are. And the Taskmaster Saw is an excellent choice. Of course, it’s great for camping or hunting trips—compact and tough enough to take on even sizable branches—but it’s also perfect for backyard tasks.
Got some overgrown underbrush? A dead tree limb? Some quick pruning to do? This is your tool.
There’s no need to haul out a full-sized hand or electric saw. Just unfold your Taskmaster Saw. The high-carbon tool steel teeth zip right through your job. For secure sawing, the Taskmaster’s blade locks open while you’re working so there’s no danger of having the blade fold back on you. To release the blade, just push the lock button and fold the blade back into the handle. The textured handle with rubber overmolding provides a secure, non-slip grip and is drilled to accept a lanyard.